Filing for Candidacy for the October 4, 2022 Borough Election

All forms for local election must be filed with the Borough Clerk.  Forms required for filing can be obtained from the Borough Clerk’s Office or online

            The first day to file for candidacy: Tuesday, July 26, 2022

            The last day to file for candidacy: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 by 4:30 p.m.

Any qualified person wishing to have his or her name placed on the ballot as a candidate for local elective office must meet the qualifications for office and follow the instructions as listed below:

Filing Requirements for Mayor and Borough Assembly
Be a Borough resident for at least one year;
Be a registered voter of the Borough;
File with the Borough Clerk:

  1. Declaration of Candidacy form;
  2. a Petition for Candidacy form signed by at least twenty qualified voters of the Borough; and
  3. a Municipal Exemption Statement obtained from the Borough Clerk.  (The Municipal Exemption Statement can be filed if the candidate does not expect to spend over $5,000 on his or her campaign).

Mayor positions to be filled at the election: (1)
One – three year term

Assembly Member positions to be filled at the election: (2)
Two - three year terms

Filing Requirements for Borough School Board
Be a Borough resident for at least 30 days;
Be a registered voter of the Borough;
File with the Borough Clerk:

  1. a Declaration of Candidacy form;
  2. a Petition for Candidacy form signed by at least twenty qualified voters of the Borough; and
  3. a Municipal Exemption Statement obtained from the Borough Clerk.  (The Municipal Exemption Statement can be filed if the candidate does not expect to spend over $5,000 on his or her campaign).

School Board Member positions to be filled at the election: (2)
Two - three year terms

Filing Requirements for Hospital Board
Be a Borough resident for at least one year;
Be a registered voter of the Borough;
File with the Borough Clerk:

  1. a Declaration of Candidacy form;
  2. a Petition for Candidacy form signed by at least twenty qualified voters of the Borough; and
  3. a Municipal Exemption Statement obtained from the Borough Clerk.  (The Municipal Exemption Statement can be filed if the candidate does not expect to spend over $5,000 on his or her campaign).

Hospital Board Member positions to be filled at the election: (3)

Three - three year terms

Filing Requirements for Planning Commissioner
Be a Borough resident for at least one year;
Be a registered voter of the Borough;
File with the Borough Clerk:                                                                                          

  1. a Declaration of Candidacy form; and
  2. a Municipal Exemption Statement obtained from the Borough Clerk.  (The Municipal Exemption Statement can be filed if the candidate does not expect to spend over $5,000 on his or her campaign).

Planning Commissioner positions to be filled at the election: (4)
Two - three year terms
One - two year term
One - one year term


Filing Requirements for: Harbor & Ports, Library, Parks & Recreation and Public Safety Advisory Boards
Be a Borough resident for at least one year;
Be a registered voter of the Borough;
File with the Borough Clerk:

  1. a Declaration of Candidacy form, and
  2. a Municipal Exemption Statement obtained from the Borough Clerk.  (The Municipal Exemption Statement can be filed if the candidate does not expect to spend over $5,000 on his or her campaign).

Harbor & Port Board Member positions to be filled at the election: (2)
Two - three year terms          

Library Board Member positions to be filled at the election: (3)
Two - three year terms
One – two year term

Parks and Recreation Board Member positions to be filled at the election: (4)
Two – three year terms
One – two year term
One – one year term

Public Safety Board Member positions to be filled at the election: (2)
Two - three year terms

Debra K. Thompson, Borough Clerk